Sunday, January 31, 2010

A not that exciting Turbo Takedown.

I just busted out of the Turbo Takedown in 9572th place out of 21652.

The first hour wasn´t really exciting.
I had always the same stack and played a tight aggressive style, because the others (except the two players which were on sitting out all the time) were extremly loose.

My first good hand I could play was AKo. Some hands before, I got good cards, but only won the blinds.

The next hand after this split pot was again AK against a loose bigstack. I hoped for a call but he folded.
At least I won hin raise and a Big Blind.

Then I was card dead for some hands, and found a spot, I could push first in with about 10BB.
I´m not sure if that push was good.

I hope the next Turbo Takedown will be better.

I won´t play anymore today and complete this month with a loss of 1/4th of my bankroll.
Next month I´m trying to play a bit more disciplined than this and the last months.

- Taiki

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