Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WCOOP Extreme Satellite

I played a 11$ WCOOP Extreme Satellite last monday (50 seats added) and won a 215$ ticket :D
I could collect a lot of chips  very fast at the beginning. In mid phase I didn´t had many hands and blinded down to 5BB but at the bubble, where my table was very very tight and nearly every hand was folded to the bigblind, that was enough. There were only a few hands with action. Here is one of those: 

Seat 1: TaikiYa ($14,035)
Seat 2: jAkDAriPAA ($18,819)
Seat 3: MUHoosh33 ($21,388)
Seat 4: Max14x ($22,416)
Seat 5: Picasso 2 ($15,769)
Seat 6: adventurier ($19,425)
Seat 7: BobbyVe ($27,840)
Seat 8: R0MMMAN ($18,620)
Posts small blind $1250
Seat 9: Aussie-Titan ($17,319) 
Dealt to TaikiYa

FOLD MUHoosh33
FOLD Max14x
FOLD Picasso 2
FOLD adventurier
FOLD BobbyVe
RAISE Aussie-Titan, to $5,000
RAISE TaikiYa, to $13,785 and is ALL-IN
FOLD Aussie-Titan
RETURN TaikiYa, $8,785 
In the end there were plenty of extreme short stacks with less than a bigblind and with my 5-6 bigblinds, the bubble was an easy one and I could win one of the tickets.
I guess I´ll play WCOOP event #3 on sunday with my ticket. :D

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pokerstars Quiz, #tpoker and a 4th place in a 2.20$/180s

In the last 5 days I played 93 tournaments:

  • 20x 2.20$/180s 
  • 70x 3.25$/45s
  • The #tpoker tournament
  • Daily 40k on Sunday
  • Sunday 1/4 million
Overall I lost about 36$ in these 93 Tournaments.

My recent Graph for Aug 19 (restart of blogging) to Aug 22:

In the #tpoker tournament I finished in 273th place with JTs vs AKs by pushing in the Smallblind. (256 people were paid)
In the two 11$ tournament I busted early against draws.

I also finished a 2.20$/180 in 3rd place. My final hand there was this one:

I´m not really sure if that push was good.

In the night Friday to Saturday I finished the PokerStars quiz after 4.5 hours with 97%, so I get a chance to win a WCOOP ticket in the qualifier tournament. :D

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Semerster break

The last months I had no time to play poker (ok I played but not much :P) or blog here because of my internship, that consumed most of my time. But now I have finished my internship and got semester break. so for the next 5 weeks I got enough time for poker and I´ll be able to blog regularly about my progress in poker.

I had some big swings of 30% of my bankroll the last weeks, so I´ll first try to build up my bankroll with mtt-sngs and add some real mtts when I finally pushed my bankroll a bit.

I´ll focus on the 3.25$ sngs with 45 players and the 2.20$ sngs with 180 players. 

At the end of the year, on New Year's Eve, I´ll visit Las Vegas for the first time. There I´ll try to play some live tournaments (buyin depends on my bankroll at the end of the year) and celebrate New Year's Eve with my friends.