Thursday, August 19, 2010

Semerster break

The last months I had no time to play poker (ok I played but not much :P) or blog here because of my internship, that consumed most of my time. But now I have finished my internship and got semester break. so for the next 5 weeks I got enough time for poker and I´ll be able to blog regularly about my progress in poker.

I had some big swings of 30% of my bankroll the last weeks, so I´ll first try to build up my bankroll with mtt-sngs and add some real mtts when I finally pushed my bankroll a bit.

I´ll focus on the 3.25$ sngs with 45 players and the 2.20$ sngs with 180 players. 

At the end of the year, on New Year's Eve, I´ll visit Las Vegas for the first time. There I´ll try to play some live tournaments (buyin depends on my bankroll at the end of the year) and celebrate New Year's Eve with my friends.

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