Saturday, March 20, 2010

Headsup: Up and Down

The last weeks I had first an upswing in Headsup and then an downswing.
At the moment I´m a bit above break even in the Fulltilt Headsup.

The graph for March, Headsup sngs on Fulltilt:

Additional I got a 10$ bonus and some rakeback (~8$)

Overall in March I´m still down 40$

I hope I can play more sngs in the next week. This week I was a bit busy.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Headsup SnG week

Due to my internship that startet at March 1th, I was very tired in the evening and didn´t played much MTT Sngs

Only 20 on the 3.25$/45 Limit.
But I played more Headsup SnGs that I planned.
11.50$: Won 11 out of 22  (Pokerstars)
6.25$: Won 41 out of 76 (Fulltilt)

In the 3.25$/45s I lost 44$
And in the HU sngs I won 6$

So overall -38$ in the first week of March
My graph for that week:

At the weekend I watched the EPT Berlin final table. At saturday I missed the stream, but a minute after the robbery, a friend who watched the livestream told me that something happened there. Disregarding of the robbery the Event seemed to be a lot better than the EPT Dortmund. The final table on sunday was very exciting so I watched until the end (what a marathon headsup :)  ) Hope they will held the EPT in Berlin next year too. Probably then I might visit Berlin while the EPT is running.

For the next week I´m planning to continue with headsups, because I guess I have an edge there plus the swings are not that big.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Goals for March

Although I failed at the february goals, I´ll try to set goals for march too. I guess if I wouln´t have set the goals for February I wouldn´t have played that much, or played too many higher tourneys.

So here are my goals for march:

  • Play 20 sngs per Day (approx. 600 this month) Good would be 1 HU sng every 3 sng MTTs
  • Play only 3.25$/45s and 11.50$ headsup sit and gos
  • $150 profit in the 3.25$/45s (~10% ROI) and $100 profit in the 11.50$/2s (~5.8% ROI) so overall $250 profit

I hope I´ll have all handhistorys this month to post graphs regulary.

End of February

The February is over and my semester break too.
That means I´ll only be able to play in the evening and at the weekend.

In February I had about 75$ in profits and played about 550 tourneys. Mostly 3.25$/45s
I wish I could post a graph, but some of my tournament historys are missing.

So I reached that parts of my goals:

  • 550 / 1500 tourneys (~36.6%)
  • 75$ / 750$ winnings (~10%)
  • Don´t play anything else than 3.25$/45 and 2.20$/180s (ok I nearly reached that goals.)
I also started to play some Headsup sit and gos at the 6.25$ and 11.50$ limits.