Monday, March 1, 2010

Goals for March

Although I failed at the february goals, I´ll try to set goals for march too. I guess if I wouln´t have set the goals for February I wouldn´t have played that much, or played too many higher tourneys.

So here are my goals for march:

  • Play 20 sngs per Day (approx. 600 this month) Good would be 1 HU sng every 3 sng MTTs
  • Play only 3.25$/45s and 11.50$ headsup sit and gos
  • $150 profit in the 3.25$/45s (~10% ROI) and $100 profit in the 11.50$/2s (~5.8% ROI) so overall $250 profit

I hope I´ll have all handhistorys this month to post graphs regulary.

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