Monday, February 8, 2010

February: Week 1 - Too less tourneys

The first week of the month is over and I only played 171 tournaments.(24 per day)

Even though I played not enough tourneys to reach my weekly goal. (which was 350 tourneys), I made some nice profits. Overall 177,09$ profits in the first week, which is a ROI of 32,8%.
I played:

  • 158x 3.25$/45
  • 12x 2.20$/180
  • 1x VIP 30k (Buyin: 100fpp where I came in the money for 6$)

The "planned" profit for this week was about 170$  (15%ROI in 350 tourneys) least I reached this goal.
But what I´m really proud of is that I played nothing else than 3.25$/45s and 2.20$/180s (except the VIP freeroll with 100fpp buyin). :D

Here the actual graph for week 1 of february:

The 2nd weeks goals would be:

  • 450 sngs (because of the deficit in week 1)
  • 220$ profits (15% ROI in 450 sngs)
  • Don´t play anything else than 3.25$/45s and 2.20$/180s

But I guess these goals are more realistic:

  • 200 sngs (about 30 per day)
  • 130$ profit (20% ROI)
  • Don´t play anything else than 3.25$/45s (no 2.20$/180s!!)
Let`s see how the 2nd week runs. :P

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