Monday, February 15, 2010

February: Week 2 - The Downswing

The second week of february was very bad. I played 145 tourneys which were:

139x  3.25$/45s  (with about -128$)
1x 8.80$ 40$ Micro Million Qualifier (lost)
2x 5.50$ 40$ Micro Million Qualifier (lost)
1x 2.20$ Rebuy 40$ Micro Million Qualifier (lost) with 1 rebuy and 1 addon
1x 500FPP 40$ Micro Million Qualifier (Won the ticket worth 40$)
1x 40$ Micro Million (busted out of money)

Overall about -154$ this week.

My goal was to play 200 sngs the week but I only played 145
I also didn´t played only 3.25$/45.
I wanted to play the 40$ Micro Million and played Qualifier for 26$ and 500fpp and won the ticket for 40$

The structure of the 40$ Micro Million was very nice. 10,000 chips starting stack and 25/50 starting blinds and 15min blindlevels. I hope Pokerstars will start more tourneys with that structure.

The tourney didn´t went well for me. Until the break I lost 1/4 of my stack in several small pots.
About half an our after the break I had this hand and lost:

Dealt to TaikiYa

Preflop: (Pot: $300)

FOLD FunkiMunki
FOLD blueraider71
FOLD nielske83
RAISE TaikiYa, to $500
FOLD oxygene85
CALL finanto, $400
FOLD alchemik82 

Flop: (Pot: $1,200)

CHECK finanto
BET TaikiYa, $800
CALL finanto, $800 

Turn: (Pot: $2,800)

CHECK finanto
BET TaikiYa, $1,600
CALL finanto, $1,600 

River: (Pot: $6,000)

BET finanto, $3,274 and is ALL-IN
CALL TaikiYa, $3,274 


SHOWS finanto
finanto wins the pot of $12,548 with a straight, Three to Seven

During this week I also got a Royal Flush in a 3.25$/45 mtt sng:

Dealt to SB

Preflop: (Pot: $75)

RAISE MP2, to $100
CALL CO, $100
FOLD Button
CALL SB, $75
CALL UTG, $50 

Flop: (Pot: $450)

BET SB, $250
CALL MP2, $250

Turn: (Pot: $950)

BET SB, $500
CALL MP2, $500 

River: (Pot: $1,950)

BET SB, $2,085 and is ALL-IN
CALL MP2, $1,370 and is ALL-IN
RETURN SB, $715 


SB wins the pot of $4,690 with a Royal Flush 

But that didn´t helped me to win this mtt sng. I busted some hands later with QQ vs Ax or something.

Here is the graph of the first two weeks of february:

My profits in february shrunk to about 23$ after that week.
I hope the next week will be better.

I try to play only the 3.25$/45s and the 1.10$ 40 Special SnGs with 40 players (because in the afternoon the 3.25$/45s don´t start fast enough to masstable)

- Taiki

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