Monday, February 22, 2010

February: Week 3 - Only Break Even

The last week wasn´t very spectacular. I played some 3.25$/45s and 2.20$/180s and an 11$ satellite to the sundaymillion 4th aniv. special (or better the 215T$). In the satellite I bustet with AQs vs QJs.

Overall I lost about 10$, so nearly break even.
I´m sorry, but I don´t have a graph this week because some tournament historys are buggy.

This week (the last week of February) is my last week of the semester break.
I´ll try to grind a lot of 3.25$/45s. After the semester break I´ll have my practical, but I guess in the evening I still have enough time for poker.

The next post will be on wednesday or thursday I guess and I´ll try to write a more interesting post than this one. :P

- Taiki

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